Thursday, December 16, 2010

Here We Go Again!

Took this photo of the garden this afternoon covered in a fresh fall of snow. Happily I refilled all the birdfeeders this morning, they'll need it - the temperature now at 10.30pm is 21F and apparently it's going to drop even further during the night. DH says the roads are like a skating rink.

I was hoping for a light dusting of snow on the sledge piled with holly but this isn't quite what I had in mind. The poor red ribbon looks very disconsolate. Shall have to try a spot of first aid in the morning!

This is what I spent most of this afternoon making and I'm quite pleased with it. I've done a simpler one for the back door too but it was too dark to take a photograph by the time I finished it.

Today's other achievement was a chocolate truffle torte which is now in the freezer. This is not for those who are counting calories! It consists of chocolate, cream, rum and liquid glucose, you turn it out of the tin so that the base of crushed amaretti biscuits becomes the top. Heaven on a plate:)

I did summon sufficient energy to make the cheese and onion tarts mentioned in the previous post and here they are. I tested one and they're good!

My favourite little mouse is waiting in his stocking.......

......and the Christmas Goose is in his place. We're nearly there!


  1. So very happy to see your Christmas Goose safe and lovely in his special place.Those tarts look good!

  2. It's all looking wonderful Rowan!

  3. Good luck, Rowan. I just returned from an eight-hour roundtrip to the airport to fetch my daughter and grandson for the holidays. The entire trip was in snow, with temperatures about 23F the whole day. I could really use one of those cheese and onion tarts, followed by a large portion of that chocolate truffle torte. Merry Christmas, and stay warm!

  4. Oh Rowan -- it's all looking so organized and beautiful! Your outdoor arrangements are gorgeous and I love that little mouse in the stocking -- too cute!

  5. We didnt get quite so much - must be becasue you are nearer the hills. Your christmas preparations are lovely Rowan - they remind me of reading "Good Housekeeping" my fave mag. Have a lovely Christmas. xxx

  6. I love the mouse in the stocking too. And the goose. And the wreath. And the baking!

    We are snowed in here today - had about 5" fall overnight and more on the way by the look of things. J is going to try and walk to the A40 in the hopes the buses will be running to take him to work (and home) . . .

    Meanwhile, his parents are meant to be getting to Heathrow today for a holiday . . .

  7. Hi Rowan
    My haven't you been productive.Love the wreath and those tarts look mighty good. The snow has not reached us here is Sussex yet,but I reckon it will later.
    Have a Happy Christmas
    Julie x

  8. Do you mind sharing the recipe of those tarts? I'd like to give it a try (with a gluten-free base)

  9. Looks so cold and shivery. The wreath is beautiful and the food is tempting. Happy holidays.

  10. You know, Rowan, you could give some of us more disorganised types a bad name?! It all looks fab, especially the wreath. We did get snow yesterday morning but thankfully it went away so we appear to be faring better than some parts of the country. Fingers crossed!

  11. We had a sprinkling of snow yesterday and another thin layer of it this morning - like you I dashed out to fill the bird feeders. Your home looks so warm and festive - love the mouse in its stocking and the cheese and onion tarts look very tasty:)

  12. Chocolate truffle tart! Sounds like heaven. Your wreath if beautiful, I keep saying I'm going to make one but keep getting side tracked. Looks like you're ready for Christmas.

  13. Anonymous6:11 pm

    Yes Rowan and more to come at the weekend I think.

  14. Oh goodness, Rowan...can I come by your house and eat??? :) I love your beautiful wreath, as well! Your snow, well...I think I'll pass on. We're forecasted for non-stop rain for the next week! But here in the mtns., we may just get your snow! Loved your post, take care...and save me a cheese and onion tart ;)

  15. I think I have to concede that this is a year when I will have to enjoy Christmas decorations via other people's creativity. My concession to the season is a small Norfolk Island Pine in a pot on the dining table.
    Thus far the cats have only over-turned it once!
    Your family and guests are sure to enjoy both your baking and the lovely "decorating."

  16. This year is the first time ever, I think, my mom did not put up a tree -- she had surgery on her left wrist for carpal tunnel and her left hand is all but useless right now, so she didn't decorate at all. I'm having them to my house for xmas dinner. I will decorate specially as a surprise for them.

  17. Do you have the recipe for the chocolate torte? Our nephews love chocolate but I never cook it as I am alergic to the taste - it would be a real treat for them.
