Sunday, August 27, 2006

Happy Birthday Mum!

Today would have been my mum's 96th birthday, she went to the Summerlands at the beginning of 1999 but she is still with me in the many happy memories I have of her. She gave me a wonderful childhood and we were great friends all through her life. This photograph was taken a few months before she was 80 and is one of my favourite pictures of her because it shows her just as she was.

Among the really great memories are the stories she told me when I was having my bath every night, they were made up out of her head and I got an instalmemt every night of the adventures of Tig and Li(the i as in eye) - a young lion and tiger! It's a talent I didn't inherit unfortunately and my three all had to have their bedtime stories out of books.

Another wonderful is the walks in the country we had pretty well every weekend apart from in the depths of winter, we always had a picnic and a regular springftime walk was in the bluebell woods where in those days (late 40s/early 50s) we could pick armfuls of the deliciously scented flowers to take home. I scattered her ashes there one spring day when the bluebells were flowering and one day I'll join her there. I hope no-one thinks this is a sad post because it isn't - it brings back happy memories of all the love and laughter we shared over the years. So Happy Birthday Mum wherever you are!


  1. Rowan,
    Those are precious memories to be savored.
    Thanks for sharing

  2. Very special story of your Mum. She looks like she was and is a beautiful soul, shining now in the better land.


  3. Lovely story and in the photo you can see that she was lovely, too. Such a wonderful smile.

  4. This was a lovely post Rowan, such lovely memories. Your mother looks and sound like a beautiful soul.

  5. Rowan,
    Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
