Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Samhain

It is the Celtic New Year tonight - so I wish those of you who walk my path a very Happy Samhain! To those who don't I wish you a happy and fun Halloween.


  1. Hi Rowan:

    When I grew up in England I don't remember celebrating Halloween. It seems from what I'm reading that they do now. When did that start? When I was young it was all about Nov 5!

    I know they still do Nov 5 there because a couple of years ago when my Mum was very ill I went home and we sat at the window in her room to watch the fireworks and we could see a huge bonfire in a housing estate across the street.

    "Happy Samhain"!

    Jackie in ON

  2. Happy Samhain, Rowan!

    Hugs ~ Jeanne

  3. Anonymous2:09 am

    ~~~~HAPPY SAMHAIN~~~~
    Best wishes for the New Year, the circle begins again. I love the pumpkin ! I always find them cheerful and yet grotesque at the same time. I put mine away in the garage when the children stopped knocking the door. To leave them outside is to tempt fate. I have spent too many November 1st's cleaning up smashed pumpkin, and now I'm wise to the little devils!

  4. Anonymous5:22 pm

    Happy Samhain to you, Rowan !
    I just love your blog : everyday I learn something new, and your pictures are so beautiful...
    Thanks, Rowan !

    NADINE in Belgium.

  5. Anonymous6:23 pm

    Happy samhain.
    I have read about celtic history and celtic spirituality all day, but not about this new year yet.

  6. Happy Samhain!

  7. Anonymous6:02 pm

    Hey, thanks! Late. I love Halloween.
