Saturday, January 20, 2007

A Bear of Very Little Brain

Like Winnie-the-Pooh I am a bear of very little brain at the moment. The virus I had over the New Year seems to have left me with a head that feels as though it is stuffed with cotton wool. Physically I am fine and I don't have any problems doing housework, knitting, going out with Bilbo Baggins etc, but anything requiring any thought or concentration appears to be beyond me.I can't think of comments to put on blogs I've read, I couldn't even come up with a title for a post on here much less actually write anything! It does look as though I'm improving though but this will just be a fairly disjointed mish mash of this and that and not very much:) The photo at the top is of the roses that Neil and Cesca brought me on New Year's Eve, this was a few days later but they lasted for two weeks altogether.
One or two blogs have been talking about the small pleasures of life that seem to pass a lot of people by. I think most of the things that bring me pleasure are small by many people's standards.

Certainly this one wouldn't be top of everyone's list but to me the sight of a pristine new notepad and a brand new pen brings enormous pleasure and it's one my eldest son shares with me. It holds all sorts of possibilities - lists of future projects, lists of ordinary everyday tasks that need doing, lists of plants I'd like for the garden, ideas for the next step in my family history research and on and on - it's a matter of deciding which one will get the honour of being put on that first, beautiful, empty page.

Another pleasure is knitting small things for my grandchildren, this is a poor photo of the little cardigan in a lovely soft primrose colour that I've just finished for the one that is still unborn. Now I have a pram blanket on the way and in between squares I'll do some little bootees.

More small pleasures are the sounds of nature - birds singing, a wild gale howling (so long as I'm inside and not out in it!), the sound of the river - sometimes slow and quiet, sometimes dancing and laughing as it goes and sometimes, after a storm,roaring past at tremendous speed. I love to hear the hum of insects on a hot summer day too - I'm talking about bees,hoverflies and things here not mosquitoes and the nasty flies that buzz round your ears and drive you mad. There are the pleasures of watching sunrises and magnificent sunsets and the moon in all its phases and walking on a beach hearing the sound of the sea - all kinds of marvellous things which are available to all of us, rich or poor,if we take the trouble to look and listen.
Apparently this is going to be it for the moment, I've been trying to upload more photos for the last day or so and most of the time I couldn't edit at all. Oh well, anything is better than nothing I suppose. I'm going to get the show on the road while I can!


  1. Anonymous2:19 pm

    It's the hibernating time of year, Rowan! You are going at the right pace, its the rest of the world that is crazy!

    Every workday I tell my husband "i'm getting too old for this - I want to stay at home and play" - I'm becoming a dotty old dear who can't find her glasses because they are on her head!

    You are an expectant granny and that makes you a bit preoccupied, I think!

  2. Anonymous2:53 pm

    It's good to see you post again Rowan.
    I have to agree with your list of small pleasures. Especially those relating to being outdoors and the things we hear and see. I truly believe that the best things in life are free.
    As for your cotton wool brain, I have expereinced that too of late, and was getting quite concerned. I feel better knowing I am not alone. I recently read Stephen King's 'Cell', where people answer their cell phones and are instantly turned into zombies..I wondered if my computer had done this to me..!

  3. Anonymous5:22 pm

    So good to see you blogging again. I think the cotton wool brain is going around!! Seems everyone is having that kind of month right now. I love your list of pleasures. I, too, love a new pad of paper and a pen. Sometimes I can barely wait to jot something down and then other times I just want to enjoy all that crisp white paper. The little sweater is so pretty. The color is just so delicate and just right for a new baby.

  4. Anonymous11:34 pm

    Good to hear from you Rowan and glad you`re on the recover.
    I agree, winter should be for hybernating.


  5. Rowan,
    I have a little of that fuzzy headed feeling today. It's a rare day that I cn't think of something to blog about but today was one.
    The roses are lovely. I think they last much longer when it's cool rather than warm. Nice that you could enjoy them for so long.

    Note pads, pens and keenly sharpened pencils are major favorites of mine also.

    The small pleasures of each day are what make life worthwhile.

    Stay the course my friend, the days are getting longer already. ;-)

  6. Anonymous1:49 am

    Welcome back! I love the cardigan you knit, what a great colour. The flowers are beautiful. I love the name Cesca, must be short for Francesca?

  7. Your show of photos are wonderful ..sharing the baby sweater precious. I know the feeling of excitementin having a ~NEW~ notebook..I bought one yesterday and was so looking forward to using it just to write down ~notes~ and reminders about various blogging friends..swaps I'm involved in etc..oh yes and posting notes.Take care I send you ~the angel of healing.~hugs

  8. Anonymous12:52 pm

    I'm with you on the simple pleasures of nature and I'm with you on loving to hear bad weather outside when you're tucked up inside! Sorry to hear you've been ill, I was wondering where you'd got to. The cardigan is lovely BTW.

  9. Anonymous9:28 pm

    I started a Journal on here as well and found to my great delight yours! Please get well soon and yes small pleasures are the best. Blessings Rowan from an incurable Anglophile! Jaen LN

  10. Anonymous6:57 am

    How I agree with you about taking pleasure in small things. For me recently, it was seeing a Comma butterfly emerge from hiding on an unusually warm January day (bet it's regretting it now!) and sunning itself on a log. Or the emerald green of the mosses on the rocks tumbled beside the pathway on a recent walk along our river valley. Or the scent of summer in the bale of hay I have opened for my horses. Or making things - a cake, jam, soup, my current sewing project. Who needs to spend money in the sales (Sales? What are they?) or buy a zillion pairs of shoes or need a walk-in wardrobe? Not me, that's for sure!

    As for the clean sheet of paper, I'm with you there too. I keep meaning to buy myself a Commonplace Book, so I can jot down all my witterings, and little descriptive lines as they come to me - instead of the little scraps of paper which get lost, or kick around in my handbag until they're illigible. There we are - a belated New Year's Resolution . . .

  11. Anonymous1:24 pm

    I know how you feel I've had bug after bug (as in sicky-bug, not insects, LOL). I loved this post of gratitude, I've kind of forgotten my gratitude of recent days...I need to pull myself together as my Nan would say. Beautiful.

    BTW I love a blank page too....bilbo Baggins, you are a LOTR fan? I'm half way through the Fellowship of the Ring for the first time and loving it.

  12. Hi Rowan, I know what you mean about a stuffy head. I had a cold for more than a week but my stuffy head won't seem to go away.
    I love new notebooks and my daughter, Grace is the same way. :0) The sweater is just lovely.

  13. Anonymous2:32 am

    First time reading this blog and by accident i might ad! I was looking for teddy bears too funny .
    I guess not everything in life is an accident. it to helped me relax
    and sit back and take a good look
    at life. how wonderful it was put together for us to enjoy. as far as the teddy bear syndrome i am full of stuffing, you might say i am fluffy and sometimes with my head in the clouds. my husband always asks what are you thinking about now? Just dreaming i reply
    of wonderful Ideals and possibilitys. so put it down on paper and make it come alive!
    Maria california
