Monday, May 21, 2007

On The Road Again

Early tomorrow morning (around 6am in theory) I'm off to Sussex to do another course at the Weald and Downland Museum - the 16th Century Dairy this time. The course is on Wednesday but I always go down the previous day and come back the day after the courses because it's a four and a half hour drive - if the Force is with me, which it often isn't! On the way down I
usually try to do a side trip and tomorrow I'm considering the possibility of going to see the stone circle at Avebury. It isn't exactly on the way, I shall have to do a detour of about 25 miles to the west but if I get as far as Newbury in good time I may do it as I've always wanted to see Avebury. The route takes me through Marlborough too and I rather think that might be an attractive town. We shall see, there are alternatives of Jane Austen's house at Chawton or Gilbert White's house at Selborne. The photo at the top is the medieval Bayleaf farmhouse at the Museum.

The dairy at Pendean where the course will be held.

Steve,Hannah and Kaitlyn came to lunch yesterday and this was the best I could manage in the way of a photograph, she is like greased lightning at the moment and is always facing the opposite way to the camera!

Another failed attempt:)

Will be back at the weekend hopefully with some interesting photographs.


  1. Rowan,
    Can't wait, you tease!

  2. Hope you have a great time - Avenury is well worth a visit if you can!

  3. I love how you are leaving 'in theory' - that sounds just like me! I hope you have a wonderful time and that the course is lots of fun.

    Kaitlyn is adorable ... I love those pics where she's busily doing something ... what a great age!

  4. Anonymous12:02 pm

    Enjoy your course, it sounds wonderful - definitely something I'd enjoy, unfortunately I think the journey would make it a week-long affair!

  5. Hope you enjoy your course and the journey too. Mu daughter's friend loved visiting Jane Austen's house,so if Avebury is out perhaps you could try there. I'm sure you''ll have fun wherever. You'll pleased to know that the weather here in Sussex has finally cheered up too!

  6. I'm so happy you are making these trips. Both for you and for us. Because we have more lovely photographs to look forward to.

    Have a lovely trip, all round.


  7. If you make it to Avebury please take photos and post them! It is my dream to see standing stones/circles in England/Scotland. Jane Austen's house sounds lovely as well. Have a good trip and a good course.


  8. I hope you really enjoy the course. We were members of the museum last year and visited it lots of times but have never attended a course there and they do have some interesting ones. I look forward to your blog telling us all about it. My readers' group are having a day at Jane Austen's house next month so that will be appearing on my blog.

  9. Hope you had a good time, and managed to detour to Avebury. The gift shop there is rather fun I remember.

  10. Thanks so much for the interesting post about Hill Top - lovely photos too.
    Enjoy your course, know you will enjoy the country scenery as you drive.
    Little Kaitlyn is sweet and the photos lovely even though they don't show full face. I like pics with that unusual feature - so many of us try to get artificial smiles from our subject, this is much more interesting!
    Have fun - be safe.

  11. Have a safe trip and I will look forward to your photos and the description of the course when you return.
    You always make it so interesting.

  12. Rowan, I'm looking forward to your next trip report! We leave for the lake tomorrow (24th). Will check back here, Monday or Tuesday!

    I have lots of blurred photos of Gabi and Drew. I just love watching babies at work and play! Fun! Cute photos of Miss Kaitlyn!

    Back Porch Musings

  13. I hope you do detour and see Avebury, I have never been there, but would like at some point to get there and see the stone circle.

  14. Anonymous2:35 pm

    Oh yes, you should see the stone circle - fingers crossed for you and looking forward to seeing your pics!

  15. Sounds fun and interesting.
    Have a safe trip.

    Can't wait until I read about the carouse on 16th century diary and the pictures

  16. Enjoy your course Rowan. Wonderful pictures.


  17. Hope you enjoyed your course and Avebury too. Lovely pics of Kaitlyn, they move so fast don't they!

  18. Have a wonderful trip and enjoy your course! We will all be waiting for the review! hugs NG
