Friday, April 08, 2011

Green Rain

Into the scented woods we'll go
And see the blackthorn swim in snow.
High above, in the budding leaves,
A brooding dove awakes and grieves;
The glades with mingled music stir,
And wildly laughs the woodpecker.
When blackthorn petals pearl the breeze,

There are the twisted hawthorn trees
Thick-set with buds, as clear and pale
As golden water or green hail--
As if a storm of rain had stood
Enchanted in the thorny wood,
And, hearing fairy voices call,
Hung poised, forgetting how to fall.

By Mary Webb

Just a very quick interim post, I'm really busy trying to catch up in the garden while we have this lovely weather but there will be more on Africa soon.


  1. ....and the woodpeckers are laughing wildly about my garden too!! Such a spectacular time of year, the blossoms take one's breath away.....and unfortunately the pollen does too!

    Enjoy your garden days.......look forward to more on Africa, you know how I love it too Rowan.

    Hugs - Mary

    P.S. Yes, I'm hoping the weather will be fine in the Lake District too.

  2. The Blackthorn in my village looks as if it is heavy with snow as ther is so much blossom on it! Fingers crossed that this weather is here to stay - till at least the end of October! PS Do you want to meet up with Rosie and I on the 7th May? email me if you are free. I could pick you up as we are heading out past your way. I think you would love our plan. It involves history, and cake. xxx

  3. That is lovely and so true at the moment Rowan.

  4. I got out for a little bit this morning about 10 -- sun was already very bright-- picked up a bagfull of *&^%$ trash that always blows into my yard. I swear I don't know where it all comes from. I have irises and roses blooming. See todays' post.

  5. I love Mary Webb's poetry. Thank You for sharing.

    Over at my blog, an award is waiting for you.

  6. Lovely poem, hope your good weather holds. Looking forward to more African photos.

  7. How lovely! I've just travelled through Mary Webb country into mid Wales and back. I loved 'Precious Bane' but haven't read much of her poetry. The blossoms were looking lovely. I've just read Diane's comment - yes, do join us if you can - we are going to one of your favourite places:)

  8. Anonymous7:37 pm

    Isn't the weather great ? I have been very busy in my little garden too.
    I hope you will have more sunny days to garden. Have a great weekend.

  9. Oh my goodness! Where have I been? I'm not familiar with Mary Webb, so guess what i'll be doing on the Webb for a while. I loved all your information about London. I love this kind of history. Some of it I knew about and some of it I didn't. Very informative post. Thanks so much for visiting me. I'm still not up to capacity for blogging yet, but I'm getting there.

  10. Can hardly wait!

  11. Anonymous3:17 pm

    You were in Africa? I really don't get out much, I have to get away from these herbs! :) Love to hear more about your trip. In the meantime the poem is very endearing and just how I'm feeling about now. Very little gardening here weather turning cold for a few more days.
    Have a great Thursday,

  12. My wife claims that when the blackthorn comes into flower here the weather turns colder. Very difficult to disprove in April when the temperature is going up and down like a yo-yo. There were snow flurries in the week, today (Saturday) it's summer.
