Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Dogs Just Want To Have Fun!

B Baggins is great friends with my friend P's dog Bertie and on Saturday afternoon we took them up on Blackamoor just as the snow was starting.

It was very cold and there was ice on parts of the track. I spotted this little ice bridge between the two rocks in the stream, you might need to enlarge the photo to see it.

None of the photos are very good because the dogs were way ahead, it was snowing and I was snapping as we walked. B Baggins hasn't featured much lately though so I decided to post them anyway.

There were big chunky icicles along the river bank.

The ice cold water didn't seem to bother Bertie and B Baggins, P and I skipped across the stepping stones though.

Bracken fronds encased in ice.

Heading for home! Bertie is a lurcher and very fast indeed - you can just see him disappearing round the bend in the lane:)


  1. Brrr, Rowan! It looks like Narnia!

  2. ooh it looks magical :)

  3. Anonymous11:06 am

    Looks like a very chilly walk; but the dogs look like they were having lots of fun!

  4. I don't fancy trying to get over those stepping stones in icy conditions! Pretty walk though.

  5. lovely...we just had cold rain that turned dmap and foggy..i would rather have your snow and ice!

  6. J and I enjoyed seeing these photos, this morning, Rowan. We are missing our Molly and hope to see her this afternoon.

    Thanks so much for your concern about J's situation. We will continue the journey today. Hoping to see his cardiologist tomorrow.

  7. It does look very cold and icy on your walk - the dogs look as if they are having fun dashing ahead of you. I bet the stepping stones were very slippy:)

  8. Oh, it looks like such a lovely walk Rowan!

  9. It looks so cold, but the dogs don't seem to mind. It feels good to get out for a walk no matter what the weather.

  10. I think it's fun being afield in the midst of a snowfall, as there's a delightful energy all around. Dogs generally make any walk better. You've definitely received the winter we've lost—and at this point, are welcome to it!

  11. Hi Rowan,

    What a beautiful walk. Such stunning scenery......
    I love the change in levels, so much more interesting than flat land.

    Dogs are just great companions, I would not be without mine :)

  12. I do envy you having woods nearby :) It was very thoughtful of the pooches to run ahead to make sure the path was clear and safe for you, lol.

  13. Looks very chilly! I think your photos are great as they capture the snowy scene well!

  14. Your walk looked lovely Rowan, the photos are great. I see what you mean about the ice bridge between the rocks.

  15. My goodness, that looks cold! the dogs look they're having a whale of a time!

  16. Anonymous6:43 pm

    Great pictures !!! I think the lurcher looks great too. Just like an Irish wolve dog, but then smaller. Have a great day.

  17. What larks - dogs seem to love snow especially when it's deep - we used to have a miniature daschund the snow used to stick to the fur on his feet and by the time we got home his feet looked like four big snowballs. Looks like you enjoyed your wintry walk, but I bet the dogs enjoyed it more.

  18. Brrr! It looks cold. I can't imagine getting wet in that icy cold water.

  19. It looks awfully cold, Rowan, but a walk with the dogs is appropriate in any kind of weather. My bet is that B Baggins could not care less about the weather. If he's like my dog, the more unusual the weather, the more interesting the walk will be.

  20. Dogs are such sociable animals and full of joie de vie. They make a walk enjoyable, even on cold winter days.

    The poem below is a great favourite, we have had many redwings recently. The cold spell has brought them in search of food I suppose.

  21. Your winter landscape looks beautiful, but SO cold.

    It`s great when dogs can go out for a walk with friends.

  22. I love the ice bridge and all the ice photos. What a lovely day for walking!

  23. A lovely doggy view of the weather. The fact that the dogs are so far ahead of you merely shows their enthusiasm and energy, and the fuzzy nature of the photos points up the inclement climate. So I think they're excellent. My Irish auntie always referred to lurchers as 'longdogs', I like the term.

  24. lots of cold up here but not much of the white stuff - much to my sons disgust who was hoping to get extra time out of college! Always amazes me the amount of freezing water these dogs of ours seem to enjoy!!

  25. I was just going to ask if Bertie was a lurcher. I learned about this dog from a Maisie Dobbs book! I love seeing happy dogs.

  26. Great title for this post Rowan!

    Looks like there was quite a bit more snow on the ground between leaving and returning home - and the boys were having such a fun walk. Love the pics but hope you weren't frozen to the bone after that icy, cold walk!

    Bit colder here now - frost this morning but still not a flake in sight!

    Mary X

  27. What a great albeit cold walk.;) Love those images showing the ice on the water, that is so unusual.;) It is cold here too, I think the whole Europe is in depth of a deep freeze.;)
    Stay warm.;))

  28. They look very happy - I would be a lot happier in the cold if I had a fur coat, I think!

    Pomona x

  29. Anonymous3:18 am

    Although it looks cold, what a beautiful place to take a walk. Our weather has been incredible up until tomorrow, we are in for quite a storm.
    Hugs Rosemary...xx

  30. Lovely cold, but refreshing walk with you today, Rowan. I also visited some past posts that were missed, the paintings in the 'A R Quinton' post were lovely. Have been a little distracted by a granddaughter's upcoming wedding.

  31. I love the way dogs are so enthusiastic. And it is a mystery why they don't seem to notice being too cold. Perhaps they're like kids, the idea of having a good time is foremost in their minds and overshadows everything else.

    I also love the photos which give a wonderful feeling of chill.

  32. I loved taking this stroll with you and the dogs. I love your blog and noticed that you said on mine, you never thought of yourself as creative? You are without doubt one of my faves. I think you are very creative on a lot of fronts, and I for one get great enjoyment from your angle on life and your surroundings:~)

  33. Lovely walk for the dogs and a good time to socialize.
