Monday, March 26, 2012

A Flying Visit

This is Lucy my youngest grandchild, she's just 3 years old and is over from South Africa with her sister and Mum and Dad for a short visit to attend a conference. Yesterday afternoon Steve brought the girls over and we went to Longshaw to enjoy the sunshine. Sadly Hannah wasn't feeling well so she stayed at her Mum's while we were gallivanting.

Kaitlyn and her Daddy playing on the see saw tree - it's a large fallen tree that acts like a see saw if you rock one end of it:)

Aunty Juliette came along as well and here we all are looking somewhat tousled - I'd have put a comb through my hair if I'd realised what a mess it was:) This was the last photo taken as my camera batteries ran out and my spares had gone into the exciting bubble blowing gun that Aunty Juliette had brought along for the girls! She hadn't realised that it needed batteries in it:)

The visit was arranged at fairly short notice so Grandad missed the first week as he is still in the West Indies and I shall miss the second week as I'm off to Ireland on Saturday morning to meet up with my American friend and her family! I shall be back just in time to say 'Goodbye' to them but they'll be here again in July so not long to wait. This will probably be my last post until I get back from Ireland as Steve & Co will be over twice more this week and I have to somehow get all DH's washing and ironing done when he gets back on Wednesday before packing my own case. I'm just hoping this weather will last through next week!


  1. Oh, how wonderful! Enjoy your special time with your lovely little one, and your trip away.. Have fun!

  2. A busy time for you! I am glad you got the chance for this rather impromptu meeting, though. The photos look like the stuff happy memories are made of!

  3. How wonderful to have a surprise visit from the grandchildren! My youngest goes to South Africa in May for three weeks -- he's beyond excited. I hope you have a great time in Ireland!

  4. Isn't it lovely when grandchildren come to visit, but even more so when they come all that way. Enjoy your time with your family and have a great time in Ireland.

  5. What a busy Rowan :)

    Enjoy all of your family & friend time and Ireland! 'See' you when you return, save journeys for you all.

  6. Bon voyage! have a lovely time.

  7. Anonymous6:44 pm

    Wonderful pictures !!
    I hope you'll have a wonderful time in Ireland.

  8. Looks like you were all having fun! Hope you have a great time in Ireland with your friends:)

  9. So nice you had this time with the little ones:) Enjoy your Ireland visit! And your hair looks just fine Grandma! :) love, Leslie

  10. Sounds like things are a little hectic for you now -- but in a nice way. Have a safe trip and good weather!

  11. Even a quick surprise visit beats no visit at all--what a treat for all of you! Have fun in Ireland :)

  12. How wonderful for you, kids visiting, then you off to Ireland! I envy you your grandchildren!

  13. What a wonderful treat for you to see them when they live so far away. Every moment is special whent there is a great distance between family.

    Hugs from Holland ~

  14. Neat logs and grandchildren go together. We've had a few fallen trees here over the years that have provided enjoyment for the little ones and like there...grownups too!

  15. What could be better than visiting with friends and family? How wonderful for you! Safe travels and we await your return :)

  16. Kiss Ireland soil for me, would you?

  17. Such a heart-warming ,beautiful and very special post! Enjoy enjoy!!

  18. Looks like a sweet visit. Busy, busy! Thanks for taking time to visit me! Have a good time on your travels!

  19. Anonymous4:30 pm

    How lovely for you to receive a visit from your grandchildren. Precious times. Think of us all while in Ireland, take lots of photos to share.
    Hugs Rosemary...x
    p.s. I'm having some blogger issues with my latest post not showing until this morning.
