Friday, June 22, 2012

Then and Now!

The rain seems to be going on and on with no end in sight. The photo of Rosa Konigin von Danemark was taken on June 22nd 2010 when June was behaving as it should with long, warm sunny days. All my roses were flowering profusely and I was spending pleasant hours on the terrace with a cool drink and a good book.

Sadly it's a very different story this year, my two grandsons enjoyed playing in the puddles on the lane where they live in Suffolk but were dressed as though it was November - actually this was the Jubilee weekend!

This is the sad outlook from my dining room a few minutes ago - I opened the door briefly to take the photo but the rain is streaming down the window panes and Bilbo Baggins and I are going to be very wet dogs when we go out shortly. It will be full wet weather gear for me - thank goodness for waterproof trousers!

I'm afraid that I've been totally lacking in inspiration on the blog posting front recently though I've had some enjoyable days out including a lovely (dry!) day in Harrogate with my friend L which concluded with high tea at Betty's. Smoked salmon rosti and tarte au citron washed down with elderflower bubbly and ending with a leisurely coffee. We always go to Bettys on our outings to Harrogate and it's always the high spot of the day, it's like stepping back into the 1930s. I've also managed some work in the garden here and there but my mind appears to be away on vacation:)

DH, B Baggins and I are off to our place on the Lancashire coast tomorrow for a few days and we're hoping that Flaming June will finally appear! I'm hoping that my brain might turn up too:)


  1. Anonymous9:05 am

    I can't believe how yuk June is turning out to be - here's hoping for a late summer. I've never been to Harrogate, but its definitely on my "to do" list after seeing Betty's tea rooms. Have a lovely few days in Lancashire ... :0)

  2. I share your sentiments about or June water and fully agree- it is as if you are describing my vies toady. It is pouring down buckets as we speak and it is dark and ominous out there. I too have to venture out into this to run some errands will be soaked;)
    We had two beautiful days midweek but once again the weekend will be a rainy affair - and it is the 4th one in a row that is gracing us with the absence of sun... sigh.
    Hope you will have a lovely weekend nevertheless and thank you for your kind visits and lovely comments. I know what you mean about not having much inspiration to write at times, but my experience is that it comes in waves.

  3. Talk about flaming June - flaming is what it isn't - I know what you mean about inspiration - sometime it just won't come - it's no use forcing it. I have never been to Harrogate but have heard so much about it - definitely on my to do list. Have a nice break. Hopefully it will provide you with a few posts.

  4. Not much inspiration here either my dear, especially since darling Gabby brought me home a Swansea Bug which has reduced me to a gibbering wreck on the sofa!

    Fed up with the weather, good and proper . . . I have tomato seedlings which only finally germinated LAST WEEK!!!

    My PHM rose will soon be going over too. Sigh.

  5. The rain just keeps on coming - right now we have a brief glimmer of watery sunlight, but dark clouds are gathering across the River - I would imagine it will be pouring again shortly. I will just snuggle down and light the fire and find a good old film to watch and sew- again! And to think yesterday was the longest day - not good!

  6. How we could use some of your rain!
    It is a frustrating summer season thus far here--weather all awry since March.
    Between drought and japanese beetle my roses have been a disappointment.

  7. A beautiful pink rose D.
    I have been in that Betty's once.
    I am travelling South next week and hoping for some sun as well.
    Hope you find your brain eventually.{:))

  8. Enjoy your time in Lancashire, here's hoping to a proper summer soon ~ before Winter arrives! :(

  9. Anonymous3:09 pm

    Hi Rowan, the rain is really depressing isn't it ? We've had a lot of it here too. I hope you will have some wonderful dry days during your outing ; )
    Have fun !!!

  10. Our weather story is the same. April was great and set up our expectations for a beautiful summer, but May was the wettest on record and we have been 10 degrees colder than the norm for all of June.
    It's funny that you're drinking coffee at the tea shop!

  11. Hi Rowan,

    Lots of rain here, also. Love your sweet pictures.

    Have a grand weekend.


  12. June has been a mixed bag on the weather front here in British Columbia, too. Everything from teeth-shakingly cold on early Saturday to 28C the very next day!

    Your meal Betty's (love the name, so vintage appropriate!) sounds mouth-wateringly fantastic, especially the tarte au citron. Yum-yum! :)

    Thank you very much for your comment on my Return of Silence post, dear Rowan, I really appreciate it and hope you have a marvelous (sunny!) weekend.

    ♥ Jessica

  13. Hi Rowan,

    I am trying again to leave a comment.

    Love your pictures!

    Hope this goes through this time.

    Barb ♥

  14. You may be hoping against hope with the weather for the weekend Rowan - Ive just been watching the forecast! Its so miserable! xxxxxx

  15. This weather is unbelievable! However, it is a good opportunity to stay inside and bake comfort food. Hope the weather picks up for you.

  16. Hi Rowan, what a lovely photo of your rose, such a pretty shade of pink. Summer weather has finally found us here in Southern Maine. The temperature reads 98 degrees at the moment and very humid. Thunder showers are predicted this afternoon, our gardens do need a bit of a drink. Love the photo of the boys playing in the puddles with their rain gear, very sweet... I do hope the sunshine finds you soon, too many rainy days can be tough to muddle through. The cafe looks like a most enjoyable place to have a cup of tea.. Sending greetings from hot, humid Maine, Julie.

  17. I'll go and play in the puddles then.

  18. Rowan, we had a very, very wet summer here in Australia and it is looking like a very cold winter.
    I am going to England in October until January so will be able to enjoy another gorgeous winter without summer heat for some time!

  19. It`s just as wet and chilly down here in Hampshire....

    Lovely to see Betty`s Tea Rooms again. A favourite destination for us when we lived just north of Leeds.

    I hope you have better weather for your stay in Lancashire.

  20. Anonymous3:20 am

    Sorry to hear of your having so much rain Rowan.
    It really can play havoc on a garden and one's spirit.
    Your rose from a few years back is beautiful.
    So I've snapped my fingers for no more rain for you!
    Lets see if it works.
    Hugs Rosemary...xox

  21. While you are being drowned, we have been overly dry:( Wouldn't it be nice if we could share a little of each? I feel so bad, as it isn't for lack of inspiration, but time, for lack of posting and getting around to visit my friends blogs. So hard to be online in the summertime!! xx Here's hoping your Muse comes back soon!

  22. Hi Rowan,

    Beautiful rose and your garden looks lush...with all the rain, of course, it would.

    It is raining this morning, and I am fed up with feeding the birds and getting soaked :(

    Betty's in Harrogate is wonderful....I have been several times. Our, nearly daughter in law, comes from that area..

  23. Your grandsons look as if they are happy in the puddles,I know 3 little boys who love puddles.Thank you for joining my blog look for ward to seeing you again.Love Jill xx

  24. I hope you're having a wonderful little getaway. And isn't it sad that we can't somehow even out the weather? We're having a drought here -- all of our lawns are burned up and yellow -- sure could use some of your gorgeous rain!

  25. Hi Rowan

    Lovely article as usual and like the photos. I agree it has been far too wet this year and it has kind of got me in the doldrums a bit.

    If you would like to go to my blog at there is something for you to collect if you want to take part. I of course will equally understand if you do not want to.

    Take care


  26. It has felt like autumn here in Holland too. But now it is very hot and far too humid. I think I prefer to cooler temperatures though. Still my garden is doing well to spite the cold and rain. I guess there is enough sun and warmth for them to shine.

    How fun that you got to go to Betty's. I have always wanted to go there.

    Hugs from Holland ~

  27. Hello dear Rowan,
    I havent been doing many blogs.. as i needed time for myself and family during summer.
    I miss your lovely posts.!!! I see from the news, that England has had awful weather. I hope that it gets a little better, but from what i see, its not so good. Something has happened to the weather patterns.. possibly it is the Global Warming!!
    sending best wishes to you.
    looking forward to reading a post. We all get mental blogging blocks.. i get them all the time.!
    happy weekend.

  28. Dear Rowan, we are rained out too, my poor garden is so neglected. There must be something in the iar along with all that rain for my mind & blogging inspiration had seemed to be on holiday too. It will all return when its ready though, so enjoy the rest x x

  29. Missing you as I stop in to see if you have a new blog post. Hope you are enjoying your July?!?

    Hugs from Holland ~

  30. That rose is incredibly beautiful.
    I miss you! You've been away a long time.

  31. That rose is out of this world beautiful! You have an abundance of rain - we have an abundance of never ending heat here in the Southeast of the US. Maybe would could trade a bit? That said, your adorable little grandchildren don't seem to mind:)
