Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Finishing Some UFOs

This is just a short post to help me get back into the swing of blogging - since rain is forecast for tomorrow I'm also planning to spend a good deal of time catching up on my commenting as I've been very bad about doing this recently. The one thing I've managed to achieve while the Olympics has been on is to actually do something with various bits of cross-stitch. Above is a sampler that I finished in 2009 which has been languishing in a drawer ever since. It is now at the framers and hopefully will be decorating one of our walls soon.

I found this piece of stitching inside a book of cross stitch patterns when I was looking for something else. This has to be at least four years old! I've made it into a pin cushion backed with a lovely shade of green felt.

This Tudor Rose is more recent, probably only 12 months old:) I've just made it into a little summer bowl filler though it's currently propped up against a photograph frame.

I've only just done this, it's another little bowl filler ready for autumn decorating. It's becoming apparent to me as I look at these photos that I need to take more care about squaring off these little items!!

Final one is another recent finish - an autumn pinkeep also ready for when I put out all my autumnal bits and pieces.

I do have various posts I want to do during the next week or two catching up on some summer activities. They'll be out of date but at least they'll be done. I'm happy to say that I'm feeling more in the right frame of mind for blogging again now:)


  1. The Tudor Rose is lovely! And I like the pumpkin one as well. I tend to do these little cross stitch pieces for Yule (I have several now that I've turned into tree decorations (By backing them with felt and stuffing them very slightly with wadding and adding a ribbon loop at the top.)

  2. By the way - was it you who asked about getting rid of word verification? (My memory's going.....)

    If so, try here: http://auntieannesextremelyusefulstuff.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/word%20verification

  3. Your sampler is stunning Rowan! It looks like you've been good and busy -- your little cushions are all so pretty!

  4. They're all lovely but my favourite is the sampler :)

    Blogging break here, not sure for how long but need to 're-group' a bit I think. Still around reading though!

  5. Love the Tudor rose, amazed by the sampler. I embroider in fits and starts, takes me forever to get anything done.

  6. I've got a few cross stitch U.F.O's too, along with at least 3 tapestry UFO's!
    Whilst having a tidy up in a cupboard, I found a bag with some Anchor threads and DMC threads in...perhaps time to finish the UFO's prompt?
    Glad you're back!

    Sandie xx

  7. Anonymous6:00 pm

    Lovely work; I'm sensing that you are looking forward to Autumn lol. I must get a move on and finish my Kingfisher cross stitch as I have a Christmas cushion cover waiting in the wings! xxx

  8. They're all beautiful and you have put me to shame as I have abandoned x-stitch for a couple of years now. I have a beautiful Devon village 3/4 finished and I must finish it before I start on the Dartmoor one of Widecombe.

    Oh, and I STILL owe you a letter. Scuffs feet and shuffles off into dark corner . . .

  9. Lovely work Rowan! That first sampler must have been a labour of love!

  10. Ive not done any cross stich in years - you put me to shame. It all looks lovely and puts me very much in mind of Autumn. xxxx

  11. I have missed you Rowan. Good to see you back but your summer has been productive finishing off all these beauties! I love them all but am always partial to anything autumn. I am looking forward to autumn's beginnings...

    Hugs from Holland ~

  12. Am luvin your sampler such neat work. Question - what is a bowl filler?

  13. So beautiful and I'm glad you are back in a blogging mood. I felt very proud of your amazing multi cultural nation during the Olympics and was reminded of all the good things about our nearest neighbours. What a fantastic success:~)

  14. Your sampler is beautiful and I love your other little cross stitch pieces. What a nice idea to use them to decorate the house according to the season. I think we should all do more of that.

  15. Cross stitch was the first craft I feel in love with a small child and has now been a part of my life for at least 22 years. Though I don't get to do it quite as much these days as I'd like to, I always have a project or two on the go too, and just adored seeing some of the immensely beautiful pieces you've created in recent years, dear Rowan.

    ♥ Jessica

  16. Each one is lovely - what a great feeling to finish so many.

  17. I love needlepoint but I've not ever gotten into cross stitching. I'm trying to get back into crochet and crochet some snowflakes for a friend.

  18. So lovely! And quite industrious of you. I am in the same position of catching up on comments. So nice that you enjoyed the Olympics! It was nice to have some positive broadcasts, as you say.

  19. Hi Rowan,

    Just lovely...you do beautiful work.

    Thanks for leaving such sweet comments on Bella Vista.

    Have a wonderful and blessed day.


  20. Hi Rowan, each stitchery is lovely in it's own right, but I do love the Fall pinkeep, prim perfect! I hope the sun shines for you soon, one more hot humid day here in Maine and the weather is to become more fall-like.Thank goodness. Greetings, Julie.

  21. I whish I'd be able to sew like this.....

  22. I love all of you cross stitch Rowan. Very pretty. I was just wondering where you were. I've missed you.

  23. Wow! What lovely things - you certainly deserve your own Olympic gold for finishing so many projects!

    Pomona x

  24. Hello dear Rowan,
    I too took some time off. Summer seems to take up a lot of my time. I am outdoors a lot.
    Your cushions are so so sweet. nice little ideas and lots of work has gone into them.
    Your sampler, will look great on your wall..its very nice.
    thank you for your recent comments on my blog.
    nice to have you back.
    i myself, sometimes find it hard to know what to blog about. I dont like to be repetative.
    stay well
    happy weekend

  25. Your sampler is amazing, like an illustrated manuscript. What a lot of work! I like the variety of color in the capitals; it helps to show off the details I think. I am glad you're back to blogging now that I am back to reading blogs again! I got carried away by summertime...

  26. Anonymous4:50 am

    Your handiwork is gorgeous Rowan!
    I just loved the tudor rose. Looks like you kept yourself busy!
    I hear you about blogging, our heat was pretty rough this summer it kept me quite active watering.
    Never enough time...
    Have a lovely week,
    Hugs Rosemary...xoxo

  27. Oh quelle jolie travaille en point de croix!! :O) J`adore!!:O)
    Bonne semaine!!
    xxx Maria xxx
