Thursday, January 03, 2013

My Son's Blog

My son has asked me to give his blog a plug to try and attract a little more traffic to it:) I'm sure many readers of my blog will be aware that Steve and Hannah and their two girls live in South Africa where they work at Africa School of Missions. Both Steve and Hannah write on the blog and the subject matter is pretty varied. Steve's latest effort is about a woodland walk where he and the girls were trying to identify various types of fungus - there are some where a bit of expert help is needed.

Naturally enough there is quite a bit about Steve and Hannah's work in the local African community including Backdoor PreSchool where the solitary blond among the children is my granddaughter Lucy:)

There are pieces about visits to places such as Moholoholo Rehabilitation Centre, Kruger National Park and the Drakensburg Mountains

Some of the posts are about domestic life though not perhaps as most of us know it - at least I personally don't often get spitting cobras in my washing machine!

They travel to places other than Africa during the course of their work too, this photo was taken in the Czech Republic during a trip to Eastern Europe last summer. Do go and take a look,I'm sure you'll find it interesting.


  1. A great post Rowan.
    I know the area where your son Steve is at.
    I am going over there to visit him now..
    Our family took many a holiday in the Berg..
    what an exciting life they lead , and also helping others too.

  2. Will certainly visit his blog! A friend of my granddaughter Amanda volunteers in Africa....a few summers ago they both did volunteer work with young mothers and children, in Northern Ireland.

  3. Will have a peek at the blog their work looks intriguing. I hope you have a wonderful 2013 and I love your words which I often resort to myself too, thank you for everything:~))

  4. Joined your son's blog,what wonderful work they're doing.

  5. Oh Rowan, how lovely is this? I will definitely take a look! Thank you for your comment, and yes, Rowan, Pinterest helped me greatly during our is a shrine to beauty, as the lovely Keri from Ivy Clad has referred to it, and a lot less expensive than a decorator! It has helped me in time of doubt and just as a great resource....good luck with your bedroom!

  6. I'm sure you love your son's blog! It sounds quite interesting generally as well. A couple of my children have personal blogs and I enjoy their writing and expression so much. Your son's local is exotic by most standards, but folks don't seem to realize how fascinating their dailiness can be. Thanks so much for your visits! I hope you have a wonderful New Year!

  7. I've always been very fascinated with South Africa (I'd love to see that part of the world one day so much), and will be sure to visit your son's blog. It's so sweet that he and his wife share a single blog, there's a certain endearing loveliness to that for sure.

    ♥ Jessica

  8. Oh interesting, Rowan. I will go over and take a look! Happy new year to you.

  9. Rowan, Sounds fascinating! Will check it out!

  10. Popping over now Rowan - a treat for Saturday morning! xx

  11. A cobra in the washing machine??? Oh my! I am afraid of the larger spiders we get sometimes in the

    Wishing you a very happy and creative new year Rowan!

    Hugs from Holland ~

  12. Hi Rowan,
    How nice to be able to enjoy your sons blog, what an exciting life!
    Happy New Year to you, I hope it's treating you well so far:-)

  13. heading over for a visit. I'll add him to my blogroll too.
