Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! Especially Regina who spurred me into action again:) I've been so busy since I returned from the USA that I haven't had time to do a blog post but will be back with photos and tales of my visit to Savannah and New Orleans in the next couple of days. Meanwhile a photo of me with all five of my grandchildren taken over the Winter Solstice weekend when all my family were here. It's rarely that we are all together these days so it was a wonderful but hectic gathering. The four older ones all get along together so well, it's a pity they meet up so rarely. Happily they'll be having a few days together later this month when Steve, Hannah and the girls go down to stay in Suffolk. Hope it stops raining before then!!


  1. A very Happy New Year to you and yours!


  2. Happy New Year to you all. What a lovely family photo. I have grandchildren-envy now!

    Looking forward to your posts about the Deep South. Keep dry!

  3. Happy New Year! May 2014 be a very good year for you and yours.

  4. What a lovely picture! Happy New Year Rowan. Looking forward to hearing about your trip to the USA.

  5. Happy New Year Rowan. I love your picture with all those grandchildren. How long were you in the U.S.A.? Can't wait to read your posts. I had a second home in Tennessee for five years so will be most interested to compare with you.

  6. Happy New Year to you and yours.

  7. And a Happy New Year to you, Rowan. Looking forward to seeing your photos of Savannah and New Orleans. You picked two of our most unique cities.

  8. What a great photo. Your grandchildren have your lovely smile!

    Wishing you a very Happy New Year.DWx

  9. That lovely photo :)

    Happy New Year to you too, and very much looking forward to the photos.


  10. Wonderful picture! A very happy New Year to you!

  11. Happy New Year :)

  12. Happy New Year Rowan, how wonderful to have all your family together for the holidays.

  13. What a fun picture! Happy New Year!!!

  14. How lovely to see you Rowan.
    I must have missed a post about your trip to America.looking forward to reading all about it.
    what a lovely photo of you and your 5 grandchildren..they give us such joy,when small.
    wishing you all the best for 2014..
    A blessed one with health and happiness.
    val x

  15. What a lovely lapful of grandchildren...Happy New Year to you and yours...Greetings from Maine, Julie.

  16. Lovely picture! You are a wonderful Granny and much loved, happy new year :)I am very much looking forward to new posts about your adventures over the pond!

  17. A gorgeous of you and your precious grandchildren Rowan.

    Wishing you and yours "Health, Happiness and JOY in 2014".
    Shane XOX

  18. Lovely picture and nice to see you back here again. Happy New Year.
    Patricia x

  19. A very happy new year to you, Rowan. I hope you and the family thrive in 2014. How lovely to have 5 grandchildren and for them to have some time together!

  20. Anonymous8:44 pm

    Such a wonderful picture !!
    Happy New Year to you and yours !!

  21. I can't add anything that hasn't already been noted: a lovely family photo--and I'll be especially interested in the posts re your US visit.

  22. Happy 2014 to you and yours....hope the seasons are good for you. Ash x

  23. Your grandchildren look so happy to be with you! Happy New Year:)

  24. Warmest wishes for 2014. It seems ages since I saw one of your posts - Blogger seems to have stopped sending them to me - will rectify this tout suite.

  25. Dear Rowan, so great to see you back - and the photo with ALL your beautiful grandchildren is fabulous!

    Looking forward to hearing about your trip here - wish we could have met up!

    A very happy New Year to you and yours dear.
    Hugs - Mary

  26. Anonymous3:54 pm

    Happy New Year to you too and I can't wait for the sequel on your trip to the south!
