I've had a busy week this week, the sort where there is a lot of coming and going with not much to show for it. I did manage two days working in the garden though, Tuesday and Wednesday both started off with a thick mist but once it had lifted we got two lovely days and off out into the garden I went. As a result most of the back garden is done apart from putting in plant supports - a department where I am always full of good intentions but often don't actually get it done soon enough. This year is going to be the one where I'm ahead of the game:)
Primroses and chionodoxa next to a little stone trough. Above is Narcissus 'Jenny' one of my favourites.
Tulipa turkestanica - a pretty species tulip which flowers incredibly early.
The main group of daffodils in the grass in the orchard. This is where I had two trees removed to make room for the marquee last year. The white plastic is a protector for the wild cherry that I planted a couple of weeks ago - there ARE some leaves in there! I still have to decide on a replacement for the other one, probably a native species for wild life as I already have more apples than I know what to do with in the autumn.
My gardening clogs, new ones to replace the pair that have recently bitten the dust.These came from Country Living Spring Fair too! They are really comfortable and waterproof.
Still on a loosely gardening theme,on Tuesday evening Jules and I went to see Joanna Lumley in Chekhov's play 'The Cherry Orchard'. I enjoyed it but Jules wasn't over impressed and didn't know why it had become a classic. It was very amusing and the individual actors were very good but I did know what she meant when she said they didn't really gel as a group. You were always aware that you were watching a play rather than being lost in the story.
I've been treating myself to some copies of Victoria magazine off ebay - they all arrived earlier this week. I'm off to stay with friends in Cheshire this weekend so they'll be going with me to fill in those odd half hours that usually occur. I'm a much earlier riser than my friends so it will give me something to do in the morning:) Tonight we're going to see my god-daughter in a production of Guys and Dolls - more in my line than the Gilbert and Sullivan they did last time. Hope everyone has a good weekend.