Friday, October 13, 2006

The Keen Ornithologist!

I looked out yesterday to see this enthusiastic birdwatcher sitting in the oak tree to get a better view! I just managed to get this photo before he scampered down the tree and away. Yesterday afternoon I cleaned all my birdfeeders ready to be filled and put outside today. Here they are all lined up on the terrace wall to dry. I get a lot of birds because it's the right sort of garden for them, plenty of food and cover and nesting places. In winter I get even more and usually keep a tally of sorts, one year we had over 50 different kinds over the winter months. This was at a point when we had four cats and I've never had a problem combining cats and birdfeeders though Raffles, my half Siamese did catch quite a few, he also caught squirrels, moles and field mice - he's been hunting in the Summerlands for many years now but lived to be 19 years old. I still miss him. I'll look for a photo of him and post it at some stage, his reign was before the days of digital cameras.
Lots to do today so will just finish with a photo of yesterday's daybreak, I love sunrises and sunsets and plan to try and improve my skills at photographing them this winter.
and just one more of the front garden as I went out with Bilbo yesterday morning.


  1. Your garden looks exquisite! We're so lucky to have a really good population of birds here, anything from the fairly-rare long-tailed tit to the very very rare red squirrels ~ our garden isn't just ours, we are mere protectors of the land for the creatures who inhabit it!

  2. That birdwatcher looks very much like my Harley! You have such a nice array of birdfeeders. The birds must think they've hit the jackpot in your garden!

    The sunrise photo is so pretty. I, too, love sunrise and sunset times. I think because they're usually so colorful.

  3. Rowan,
    Beautiful landscape.

    I see you try not to feed the squirrels with your feeders. lol
    We have two cats, one siamese and one black feral we took in as a very young kitten. They stay in the house but spent alot of time in the windows talking to the birds. We had a beautiful tabby who died last year at 18 years old.
    I too like to watch the birds in the winter.
    Your photos are already good.

  4. You have a lovely garden, Rowan. I love the wild birds. Today at work a robin was singing outside my window for ages. Our office backs onto a school playing field with a hawthorn and wild rose hedge. There are security bars on my window to prevent break-ins. I feel like i'm in the bird cage and he is watching me! I put feeders out in the hedge so I can watch the birds when I get the chance.
    Have a good weekend and keep posting the lovely pics.

  5. Love the attention you pay in cleaning your bird feeders I aso do that so important to the health of our visitors. I also put out a cage (very small square) and fill with nesting material so the birds can grab what they need and fly off to build their comfy nest!Now that it is getting colder they are really grabbing at it..I have now filled with raffia and they seem to LOVE this!I also miss my 2 felines who passed away (my gentle Giant post in the past)Oh but they reside in our hearts forever and I still have 2 with me as you have your sweet furry

  6. Hi Rowan...thank you so much for stopping by my blog and wishing me a Happy Birthday:-) It was very much appreciated!!! I've been reading some of your posts and I must say I've so enjoyed the pictures...your country is so beautiful! Take care:-)

  7. Anonymous3:42 pm

    I consider black cats lucky, & I think that is the tradition in the UK? I had 2 cats, domestic long hair, a black and white male, and a tortoiseshell female, brother and sister for nineteen years also. They have been gone for over 3 years, but I still hear them and glimpse them from the corner of my eye on occasion ;-)

  8. We also feed the wild birds. At certain times it seems like a bird sanctuary here. We have used my daughters Ornithology book to help us identify some of the more unusual birds. Such a fun hobby.
    Your garden is lovely.
    Rowan...thank you so much for your kind notes on my blog.

  9. Beautiful gardens. I am so glad you posted about getting your bird feeders all cleaned up and ready for the winter, it reminded me to do mine.
    What an alert bird watcher you have there !

  10. Your garden looks lovely...mines beginning to get a scraggy Autumn look. I had a beautiful cat called (an ex pit cat) who was really anughty with her hunting, she used to catch Hawks. She too is in a better place. I'm a cat lover but DH is allergic!

  11. what a great garden you must have to be feeding so many birds it can be so rewarding to do so.

    Our little fairy wren has just arrived home after a winter away and we look forward to seeing him all summer and that his hopes and ours are he finds a girlfriend.

    have a nice evening.

  12. Your garden is still so lovely! And wow.....lots of bird feeders! I bet they look so pretty when you put them up.


  13. Anonymous4:20 am

    You have a beautiful garden ... wonderful landscaping ... and more bird feeders than anyone I know with the possible exception of my father-in-law who has very creative ones (really like pieces of art!)all over his many acres of property. There is nothing like awakening to the sound of bird song.

  14. From one bird lover to another - thank you for such a lovely post. You have a fantastic collection of bird feeders and your garden sounds wonderful.
