Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Misty Autumn Morning

I haven't had much time to write this week so far but here are a few images I took on my walk this morning, it was a misty, damp and humid day but the woods looked rather beautiful and one or two things caught my eye. The only sounds were the constant patter of raindrops from the wet leaves that were being disturbed by squirrels scampering through the tree tops, the constant thud of acorns and sweet chestnuts falling to the ground and the occasional sweet sound of robins singing

This was an old log covered in lichens and various bits of greenery, I just liked the way it all looked as a still life.

Another log covered with a thick carpet of moss and two different kinds of toadstools

I saw this fallen tree and it made me think of a huge primeval insect!

This was a single brilliant patch of colour on an otherwise still completely green bramble bush

Here the changing leaf colours make it look as though the sun was shining although it wasn't. Even though I walk these woods every day I'm always finding new interesting or beautiful things to look at as the wheel of the year turns.


  1. I am so jealous of where you get to take your morning walks!! What a beautiful place! I love the moss and toadstool covered log.

  2. Rowan,
    I'm entralled by your pictures and think how nice it would be to share a walk with you along those forest paths.
    I too enjoy solitary forays amongst natures gifts, but sometimes it's pleasant to share the expeience with a like minded person.

    You do live in a fairy-land to my mind ;-)

  3. Anonymous1:01 am

    Oh Rowan I'm green with envy. What a magical place, and your words bring it alive. I can hear the thud of acorns and chestnuts falling to the ground as I read it, and smell that unique earthy damp woodland scent. If everyone is as inspired as I am to join you, your solitary walk would be anything but.
    Thank you for reminding me of what I'm missing :-(

  4. I think you went walking into Wonderland where the fairies live as you came upon their carpet of moss and toadstools where they giggle and hide..did you by chance hear them!The colors are so mystical in your photos!

  5. Your photos have such a mystical quality about them. I envy you to have such a beautiful place to walk each day. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  6. I've only recently discovered your blog...and I'm enjoying your lovely photographs...the fallen log with the moss & toadstools is especially wonderful :)

    thanks for sharing

  7. Anonymous9:34 pm

    I'm sending you a note via your comments..I want you to know that I rec'd your email. Thank you xx. I have responded, however my email seems to be very slow in sending,hopefully you will recive it shortly.

  8. Anonymous9:34 pm

    I'm sending you a note via your comments..I want you to know that I rec'd your email. Thank you xx. I have responded, however my email seems to be very slow in sending,hopefully you will recive it shortly.

  9. I can just about feel the leaves squishing under my shoes and smell the dampness and mist as I walk through the wood with you. So beautiful and peaceful.

  10. Anonymous8:13 am

    Rowan, what beautiful photographs. I especially like the one of the fallen log with lichen and fungi growing all over it. Sorry I'm not popping in as regularly as I'd like to - hubbie's been in London all week this week so it's been full on for me.
