The rain seems to be going on and on with no end in sight. The photo of Rosa Konigin von Danemark was taken on June 22nd 2010 when June was behaving as it should with long, warm sunny days. All my roses were flowering profusely and I was spending pleasant hours on the terrace with a cool drink and a good book.
Sadly it's a very different story this year, my two grandsons enjoyed playing in the puddles on the lane where they live in Suffolk but were dressed as though it was November - actually this was the Jubilee weekend!
This is the sad outlook from my dining room a few minutes ago - I opened the door briefly to take the photo but the rain is streaming down the window panes and Bilbo Baggins and I are going to be very wet dogs when we go out shortly. It will be full wet weather gear for me - thank goodness for waterproof trousers!

I'm afraid that I've been totally lacking in inspiration on the blog posting front recently though I've had some enjoyable days out including a lovely (dry!) day in Harrogate with my friend L which concluded with high tea at Betty's. Smoked salmon rosti and tarte au citron washed down with elderflower bubbly and ending with a leisurely coffee. We always go to Bettys on our outings to Harrogate and it's always the high spot of the day, it's like stepping back into the 1930s. I've also managed some work in the garden here and there but my mind appears to be away on vacation:)

DH, B Baggins and I are off to our place on the Lancashire coast tomorrow for a few days and we're hoping that Flaming June will finally appear! I'm hoping that my brain might turn up too:)